
Department of Information Systems, STMIK Bina Patria, Magelang, Indonesia


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Job satisfaction is important to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of bank employees. Moreover, quality of work-life and leadership’s communication ability are also required to increase their productivity.
METHODS: This research was conducted to investigate the effect of leadership’s communication ability on the quality of work-life and employees job satisfaction. A quantitative approach was adopted using a survey method with the employees of the local bank in Magelang in Indonesia used as the respondents. Moreover, data were collected using a questionnaire as the research instrument and analyzed through the means of path analysis.
FINDINGS: Leadership’s communication has a positive effect on the quality of work-life with a standardized coefficient of 0.928 and sig. 0.000 < 0.05 and this means the influence is significant by 86.11%. The quality of work-life influenced the employees’ job satisfaction, with a standardized coefficient of 0.451 and sig. 0.032< 0.05 and this means the effect is significant by 20.34%. Leadership’s communication directly influenced employees job satisfaction  with 0.460=21.16% and sig. 0.029 < 0.05 and indirectly through the intervening or mediating variable of quality of work-life by P2 x P3 (0.928 x 0.451= 0.4185 or 41.85%). Therefore, the total effect of leadership's communication on the  employees job satisfaction were found to be 0.460 + 0.4185 = 0.8785 which means the significance of the influence is 87.85%.
CONCLUSIONS: The results showed leadership’s communication influences the employees’ job satisfaction directly and also indirectly through the mediation of the quality of work Life. Communication was also observed to have a positive significant effect on the quality of work-life and this subsequently affected the job satisfaction of employees positively. The results of this research increase and improve the quality of leadership's communication patterns to enhance employee’s job satisfaction and quality of work-life.


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