
University of Bihać, Faculty of Technical Engineering Bihać, Ul. Dr. Irfana Ljubijankića bb, 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina


The term "INDUSTRY 4.0" or "fourth industrial revolution" was first introduced at the fair in 2011 in Hannover. It comes from the high-tech strategy of the German Federal Government that promotes automation-computerization to complete smart automation, meaning the introduction of a method of self-automation, self-configuration, self-diagnosing and fixing the problem, knowledge and intelligent decision-making. Any automation, including smart, cannot be imagined without industrial robots. Along with the fourth industrial revolution, ‘’robotic revolution’’ is taking place in Japan. Robotic revolution refers to the development and research of robotic technology with the aim of using robots in all production processes, and the use of robots in real life, to be of service to a man in daily life. Knowing these facts, an analysis was conducted of the representation of industrial robots in the production processes on the two continents of Europe and Asia /Australia, as well as research that industry is ready for the introduction of intelligent automation with the goal of establishing future smart factories. The paper gives a representation of the automation of production processes in Europe and Asia/Australia, with predictions for the future.


Main Subjects

Doleček, V.; Karabegović, I., (2002). Robotics, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bihać.
Doleček, V.; Karabegović, I., (2008). Robots in the industry, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bihać.
Karabegović, I.; Doleček, V., (2016).The tendency of application of industrial robots in the automotive, electrical engineering and metal industries worldwide, 3rd International Scientific Conference “COMETa 2016”,University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7-9 (3 pages).
Karabegović, I.;Husak, E., (2016).China as a leading country in the world in automation of automotive industry manufacturing processes, IV international congress motor vehicles and motors 2016, “MVM-2016”, Kragujevac, Serbia, 6-8 (3 pages).


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