
1 Department of Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation, School of Life Science ,The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha-Tanzania

2 Department of Research and Consultancy,College Of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Kilimanjaro-Tanzania


Ecological studies on road’s impact on wildlife have concentrated on vertebrates although less is known of their effects on invertebrates. The current study presents public road influences on species richness, abundance, and diversity of ground dwelling insects in Arusha National Park in Tanzania. Values from pitfall traps data were generally higher in core habitat than road verge. Nine species were only found in road verge and twenty eight species found only in core habitat. Results also show significant differences p≤0.01 in species richness, abundances and diversity of ground-dwelling insects, between road verge and core habitat with greater values for core area, where soil acidity was low and cation exchange capacity was high. Results suggest that high soil pH, relative to low soil pH, provides good conditions for different insects species. These findings provide evidence on the effect of public roads on distribution of wildlife communities in protected area and hence call for proper road design and management of established roads in protected areas.

Graphical Abstract

Influence of public road proximity on ground-dwelling insect communities


  • The study found there is significant differences in abudance,species richness and  diversity index between road verge and core area habitat.  The values i.e. diversity abundance and species richness increases as one moves from the road verge to core area habitat.
  • The same trend was obsevred in soil cation excahange capacity for selected cations. However soil pH was low in core area in comparison to road verge.
  • There is no significance difference in occupance of the most dominat plant species between road verge and core area habitat.  


Main Subjects

IPCC, (2007). Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Eds M.L. Parry, O.F.


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