
1 Department of Business Administration, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan

2 Department of Business administration, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Green human resource management has become one of the most critical components of a forward-thinking for eco-friendly companies. The majority of academics hold the opinion that in order to implement green human resource management techniques, personnel must be encouraged and motivated to be ecofriendly. This study aims at investigating the impact of Green human resources practices on organizational sustainability: The mediating role of job embeddedness in the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Jordan.
METHODS: The current study looks at the effects of several green human resource management strategies on organizational sustainability either directly or indirectly through job embeddedness. a quantitative approach was used. The data is collected through questionnaire from the Study sample included (404) employee in (16) Jordanian Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. A Structural Equation Modelling is conducted to achieve study objectives.
FINDINGS:  Findings confirmed, that (green work life balance, green reward) showed a significant positive effect on the organizational sustainability, while (green training, green career opportunities) didn’t have direct significant effects on organizational sustainability, as well, the outcomes indicated that all green human resources practices (green work life balance, green reward, green training, green career opportunities) had direct significant effect on job embeddedness. The findings indicated that the mediator (Job embeddedness) improved the organizational sustainability. The results illustrate that green work life balance exerted positive and significant effects on organizational sustainability (β = 0.41) and Job embeddedness (β = 0.27). While No abbreviation in the abstract didn’t has direct significant effects on organizational sustainability (β = 0.03; t = 0.64; ρ > 0.01), and significant effects on Job embeddedness (β = 0.40). Also the result indicated that green rewards has direct significant effects on organizational sustainability (β = 0.24), and Job embeddedness (β = 0.26). While GCO green career opportunities didn’t has direct significant effects on organizational sustainability (β = 0.04 t = 0.87; ρ > 0.01) and significant effects on Job embeddedness (β = 0.39). As well as JE exerted positive and significant effects on organizational sustainability (β = 0.38). The findings imply that the mediator does increase organizational sustainability.
CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the pharmaceutical manufacturing businesses should provide their workers with green benefits and promote a green work-life balance and search for other green practices in order to prevent organizational deterioration.


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality

Bansal, P.; Roth, K., (2000). Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness. Acad. Manage. J., 43(4): 717-736‏ (20 pages).                                                    


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