
Department of Business administration, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Agile human resource practices have become one of the most important concerns of modern departments because of their role in achieving competitive advantage. The majority of academics believe that in order to implement Agility of human resource practices, many scholars argue that effective implementation of agile HR practices requires trained and motivated personnel. This research aims at clarifying the effect of human resources agility in Organizational Sustainability at Jordanian hotel sector.
METHODS: The current study looks at the effect of human resource agility on organizational sustainability. A quantitative approach was used through a questionnaire-based survey. A descriptive analytical strategy was utilized in the study. The study targeted the entire workforce of Jordan's hotel sector, consisting of 21,835 employees across 22 hotels. The study's sample consisted of 410 workers that are employed in the hotel sector in Jordan. Numerous statistical methods, including frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation, Cronbach's alpha, exploratory factor analysis, average variance extracted, and composite reliability, have been employed to meet the aims of this research. Additionally, a structural equation modeling was used to quantify the impact of human resource agility on organizational sustainability.
FINDINGS: Findings showed that resilience resilience had a positive influence on social and economic sustainability) Estimate = 0.323 and 0.207; C.R = 3.660 and 2.357; P-value = 0.01 and 0.00(. While environmental sustainability was not significantly impacted by resilience. Additionally, the results showed that adaptability significantly influence all organizational sustainability dimensions, including social, environmental and economic sustainability (Estimate = 0.247, 0.203 and 0.521; C.R = 2.312, 2.698 and 5.296; P-value = 0.021, 0.011 and 0.00(. Additionally, the results showed that proactivity significantly impact on social and environmental sustainability (Estimate = 0.475, 0.319; C.R = 5.085, 3.524; P-value = 0.00, 0.00 (.
CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the hotel industry should provide and promote agile human resource practices in order to maintain organizational sustainability and prevent organizational decline. look into and analyze the mediating role of job embeddesness on the relationship between human resource agility and organizational sustainability at other industrial or service fields in Jordan as well as across different nations and various regional boundaries. The study also recommends that scholars explore the mediating role of job embeddedness in the relationship between HR agility and organizational sustainability, both within Jordan and across other countries and regions.


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