
Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Aras Campus, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


BACKGROUNS AND OBJECTIVES: As an integral component of urban space, green space assumes a pivotal role in the purification and filtration of air, provision of recreational opportunities, and augmentation of the aesthetic allure of the urban landscape. In contemporary urban settings, the significance of urban green spaces is widely acknowledged and embraced as an indispensable facet of the city. The consequences of urban expansion and the resulting environmental problems have indefinitely made the presence of green spaces and their proper distribution essential. Meanwhile, it is necessary to pay attention to achieving spatial balance in the distribution of urban parks, as they are an important component of urban green spaces, particularly in large cities. The population in Karaj city in Iran, has experienced an excessive increase, particularly in the last three decades. This has resulted in the rapid expansion of urban areas the destruction of the natural landscape and the structural pattern of both natural and artificial ecosystems. The city of Karaj, formerly known as Baghshahr, has transformed into a metropolis, with only a few traces of its once abundant urban green spaces remaining. This research aims to evaluate the demand for green space and the distribution capacity among the districts of 3 and 8 of Karaj city. The objective of the current study is to provide solutions based on spatial justice to increase the use of green space.
METHODS: The current research utilizes a combination of descriptive-analytical and critical methods, as well as documentary and survey methods. To analyze and evaluate the condition of green spaces and their mapping, information, and data from relevant organizations and satellite images have been utilized within specific spatial-temporal scales and GIS software.
Results: The results showed that the highest weight obtained was related to participation, with a weight of 0.118. This was followed by social capital, with a weight of 0.116 percent. The lowest weight was related to public services, with a weight of 0.040.
CONCLUSION: District 3 has more green space than District 8 due to the presence of gardens and trees planted by the municipality on the outskirts of the district. Additionally, the political ecology in these neighborhoods has not been impacted by District 3. However, Jahanshahr and Molana neighborhoods in District 8 have a high per capita population due to their small population and large areas of parks. Additionally, the presence of Family, fruit, Fateh and small Iran Gardens, contribute to the high population density in these neighborhoods. However other areas in the district experience a significant shortage of urban green spaces and are affected by the influence of political ecology at both the neighborhood and regional levels.


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 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality


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