
VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. India


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Green human resource management contributes to developing an eco-friendly culture by influencing employee green behavior. This study intends to examine the role of green human resource management on voluntary and innovative work eco-friendly behavior using the mediating effect of environmental knowledge. This study examined the direct relationship between Green human resource management practices (recruitment, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, and employee involvement) and green employee behavior (voluntary and green innovative work behavior). This addresses the growing environmental challenges and the need for sustainable business practices. In order to promote environmentally conscious behavior at work, employers can benefit from the study''s implications.
METHODS: This study evaluated how environmental knowledge mediates the connection between the green human resource management practices and environmental behavior. Data was drawn from 15 firms in the Indian service sector. To analyze a quantified data set collected through a survey method using structured questionnaire and sent to all respondents through Google forms online survey by using simple random sampling technique. All analyses were conducted using "Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling.
FINDINGS: The analysis showed that green human resource management practices positively affect employee green behavior. Specifically, the results indicate that green recruitment, compensation, and employee involvement were positively related to one dimension of employee green behavior (green innovative work behavior). Green Performance appraisal was also found to affect green voluntary behavior positively. The path coefficients were positive, when the model’s path coefficients (β) and t-statistics were used to evaluate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, t- value should greater than 1.96 and p value should be greater than 0.05, in this study the following hypotheses are statistically significant (H1c: β=0.392, P

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Examining the role of green human resource management practices on environmental behavior with the environmental knowledge mediation effect


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