
1 Department of Leadership and Human Capital, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, School of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Given the new cost pressures, hybrid work models, and evolving needs of employees and customers, organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of digital workforce management practices and digital transformation in achieving success. This is especially critical for government organizations, including local governments, as digitalisation plays a crucial role in streamlining human resource activities, reducing costs, improving data management, and strengthening human resource management systems. As local governments strive to become more agile and adapt to changing needs and expectations, digitalization enables them to respond quickly and foster innovation. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the impact of digital human resource management practices and digital transformation on the strength of the human resource management system, with a specific focus on the mediating role of digital task interdependence within the Tehran municipality.
METHODS: The survey data was collected from 266 employees of the Tehran municipality using a simple random sampling technique. The collected data was then subjected to statistical analysis. University professors and local government experts confirmed the content validity of the survey instrument. To evaluate the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, this study utilized average variance extracted, Cronbach's alpha, and composite reliability, all of which produced satisfactory outcomes. The data analysis was carried out using Analysis of Moment Structures, and SPSS26 software.
FINDINGS: The study emphasizes the importance of implementing digital human resources management practices and digital transformation to strengthen the human resource management system in Tehran municipality. This enables human resource processes to be faster, smarter, and more efficient. Additionally, the successful integration of both old and new human resource systems, along with the effective implementation of digitalization in Tehran municipality, relies on coordination and collaboration among employees through digital platforms.
CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that the implementation of digital human resource management practices and the process of digital transformation can effectively enhance human resource management systems and align the activities of human resources with strategic objectives. By embracing digital transformation and adopting digital human resource management practices, organizations can elevate the significance of human resource management and effectively communicate their intentions to employees. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that digital task interdependence fosters collaboration and coordination among geographically dispersed employees, reducing communication costs and improving access to diverse knowledge sources. Consequently, this enhances the efficiency of municipal operations and decreases response times.


Main Subjects


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 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality

Basole, R. C.;  Major, T., (2024). Generative AI for Visualization: Opportunities and Challenges. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 44 (2): 55-64 (10 pages).


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